Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Florida Trip

Greg and Kacey have moved to Florida for law school and we got to help them move. On July 27th, we were in Rexburg and loaded up Greg and Kacey's belongings and car into an 18-wheeler. A good friend of ours owns a trucking business and gave the kids a good deal in moving their stuff to Florida. Greg had to find a loading dock so he could drive his car into the semi. Thankfully the BYU-Idaho campus had a loading dock that he could use.After the truck took off for Florida, we drove to Salt Lake City and walked around Temple Square. We will miss this cute little family.
Greg "Forrest Gump" Baxter and Karen goofing around. Once we got to Jacksonville, it didn't take us long to find the BEACH!! Compared to the freezing Oregon coast, the Jacksonville coast was warm and pleasant. The first day we went, we had to leave earlier than planned when the thunder rolled. We barely made it to the car when the rained dumped. We loved Jacksonville's thunder storms. Courtney and Jake couldn't get enough of the water. Brooklyn loved playing in the sand. She had sand all over her hair, face, and body and it didn't bother her a bit. She crawled all over the sand, even on the little shells. She didn't like the water so much, but that will come.
Beth Mosso is a friend from Baker City who moved to Jacksonville to attend school. We got to spend an evening with her. She is in Greg and Kacey's ward so she showed us where the church was.
It didn't take long for the truckers to get to Florida. We had to hire a tow truck to get Greg's car out of the truck.
We enjoyed spending so much time with Brooklyn.
On Saturday we drove to St. Augustine, the oldest city in the U.S. It is full of rich history, but our favorite part was going to the St. Augustine Alligator Farm. Naturally, there was a huge thunderstorm just as we arrived and we got soaked. We didn't care; it just made the adventure more fun.
This first alligator is an Albino alligator.
No, Jake is not on a real alligator!
We had no idea there were so many different types of alligators and crocodiles. These are the American alligators. We lucked out. We had the opportunity to watch Maximo, the 1200 pound crocodile eat his weekly meal. He only eats four rodents once a week to maintain his figure. All I can say is, I don't know how the girl who feeds him doesn't lose her hand.
Although you can't see the lighthouse, this picture was taken at the St. Augustine lighthouse. St. Augustine was a picturesque town.
Graham Alexander served several months of his mission in Baker last year. He and his parents, Camille and Ed, invited us to their beautiful harborsidehome for Sunday dinner. They were the nicest people and we loved dinner!
Greg's law school seems to be a nice school. There are several LDS students going to school there.
Brooklyn turns one on September 4th, and since we won't be there for her birthday, we celebrated it on her 11th month birthday. I'm sure she will have a real birthday party in September. Anyway, we bought her an Elmo airplane. She sits on it and although she didn't know it, she was the one who made the music come on. She was so cute--she loves Elmo. Forgive the mess in the background--we were packing to go home in the middle of Greg and Kacey's moving-in boxes.
Sadly, this was our last time on the beach. The kids loved the boogie boards. The waves were perfect for boogie boarding.
Grandma and Brooklyn. We both have tons of sand in our hair/heads. Most of us got sunburned the first time we went to the beach, but not Brooklyn. Either her baby sunscreen was really strong, or she was made for the Florida sun.
Riding her cute airplane.
Our trip home was eventful. We were stuck in the Jacksonville airport because of a huge thunderstorm that came minutes before we were supposed to fly out to Memphis. That caused us to miss our connecting flight to Salt Lake. After spending the night in Memphis, we arrived back at the airport in time to find that we were going to be on a much later flight. We then flew to Atlanta, where we finally got on a plane heading west to Salt Lake. After spending the night at my sister, Marian's house, we drove home to Baker, arriving more than 24 hours later than scheduled. It was a great trip and we're happy for Greg and Kacey to live in such a nice city.