Sunday, May 8, 2011
Grandpa's Funeral
Our beautiful daughter
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
My father-in-law

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Time has flown!
In June we had our 1st Baxter Family Reunion in Florida. We hadn't all been together at the same time since Sam went on his mission in 2006. We had a wonderful time at Disney World, Daytona Beach, and Jacksonville.
In July Greg and Jake went to the National Boy Scout Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia. They went with the troops from the Blue Mountain Council. They got to see Uncle Carl and his son, cousin Stan. They also toured in Washington, D.C. Jake earned some merit badges and earned the really cool George Albert Smith scouting award. Although they practically melted in the humidity, the guys had a wonderful time.
In August Zack flew down to Dallas, Texas, where Sam had been working all summer. He and Sam spent a few days doing fun things. They went to the Oregon State/TCU game (OSU lost). They drove up to Rexburg together.

Greg and I spent a couple of days in Utah before heading to Martin's Cove, Wyoming, for a handcart trek training. This was one of the most spiritual experiences of our lives. The training by the missionary couples was exceptional, and the Spirit was so strong. We loved hearing the stories of the pioneers and how they kept their hearts focused on Zion. The last day we were there it was really windy and we could imagine just a little bit how cold, hungry, and desperate the people were. Our testimonies were definitely strengthened.
October: Jake ran cross country again and had a good season. Jake and Greg celebrated their birthdays. Jake is now 16! I went to Florida to visit Greg, Kacey, and Brooklyn. They always make my trips fun. Brooklyn was cute, especially when I watched her while her parents were in the temple. She loves to sing Leo the Lion, Jumbo Elephant, and the Bumblebee Song with me.
November: I went to Salem with my niece, Stacey, and her four kids. Jake ran at the State Cross Country meet again in Eugene. He has a fun group of kids to run with. He also got his driver's license on the snowiest day of the year.
Sam, Zack, and Courtney came home for Thanksgiving. They brought a friend, Holly, with them. It was a good week until at least three people got the flu and colds during the week.
The Sunday after Thanksgiving it was discovered that a pipe had broken in the courthouse. The extremely cold weather had caused the pipe to burst directly over Greg's desk. His office was destroyed by the gushing water. All of his furniture had to be thrown out. The court has been moved to a former elementary school. It was a blessing that no one was hurt. The courthouse was a mess!
We made goodies, played games late into the night, and one of us got her wisdom teeth pulled. It was fun being together with the entire family.
January: It was busy with swim meets and going to the gym to work off our Christmas pounds. Courtney is off-track right now from BYU-Idaho and has been raking in the money working several good jobs.
February: It snowed again after several weeks of no snow. We were looking forward to spring.