The Baxter family had a wonderful reunion this past weekend. Close to ninety Baxter relatives (and some Nicolaysen's) converged on our small town, to honor the patriarch of our family, Grandpa Baxter. His funeral was Saturday, May 7th. The night before we had a big family dinner at the church, and it was just like a ward party. We all introduced ourselves and enjoyed getting reacquainted with relatives we haven't seen for a long time. Family came from Alaska, Maryland, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Texas, California, Colorado, and from the other side of Oregon. Nineteen out of twenty-four grandchildren came, with all their families, and several of Greg's cousins came with families. I think Grandpa was smiling from heaven.

Greg planned games for the kids and they sure had fun. In one game he had them pushing marshmallows with their noses on the floor, then before he could stop them, they picked them up and ate them. There were so many cute great grandkids. Grandpa and Grandma have quite the posterity.

Diana is Greg's Uncle Alton's granddaughter. She and several members of her family came from Utah.

Everyone had a good time visiting.

Grant and Aunt Leila.

The great grandkids and some of Grandpa's great great nephews and nieces practiced singing,
I Know That My Savior Loves Me. Only in our church can children from different areas know the same song. And they sang it beautifully.

This really brought tears to my eyes. Grandchildren and their spouses, if they had one, practiced singing
Each Life That Touches Ours for Good. This was such a good looking group of young adults. Courtney is in the front.

The funeral was a wonderful tribute to Grandpa. Grant gave the life sketch, the great grandchildren sang, Greg spoke, the grandchildren sang, Dean spoke, Bishop Hindman said a few words, and the President Orton, our stake president, ended with a few comments. It was a happy funeral. Most of my tears came when I thought about Greg, Kacey, and Brooklyn who were unable to attend. One thing that was reaffirmed to me is that life is all about family and very good friends.
The pallbearers were all the grandsons, even the three who couldn't be there. Jake is in the back. He got to give the final push of Grandpa's casket into the hearse.

My awesome parents came for the funeral. Although they haven't been able to spend tons of time with Grandpa and Grandma Baxter, they've always had a lot of fun when they've gotten together. The two couples have had great respect for each other.

I'm grateful to have a loyal, loving, supportive daughter.

After a delicious lunch provided by the Relief Society ladies of Baker 1st and 2nd wards, all of Grandpa's posterity plus a few friends traveled to Joseph, Oregon, to bury Grandpa. He and Grandma are being buried in the Tucker family plot, near Grandma's family. The setting was beautiful--rolling hills and mountains on one side and lush green fields down below. Carl and Pam sent the pretty flowers above.

Two friends--my mom and mother-in-law--visiting and keeping each other warm. Greg, in the background, is visiting with Darlene Tucker Turner (her grandfather, Dave Tucker, is famous in this community). Jary, the lady in beige, works in the circuit court in Enterprise. She told me that they love it when Greg comes to Enterprise to be the judge.

This was striking to see Grandpa's grandsons carrying his casket.

The National Guard were at attention, ready to do the 21-gun salute.
The military men were impressive.

Everyone first sang,
I Am a Child of God, followed by Mike Christofferson, Maxine's oldest son, who dedicated the grave. The grandchildren, accompanied by Aaron Kerns on the guitar and Joe Baxter on the violin, sang a special request by Grandma,
In the Garden. This song made me go into what Oprah calls the
ugly cry.

Everyone but one baby loved the 21-gun salute. I am thankful for the men and women who serve and have served in the military. Grandpa served in the Navy in San Diego during WWII.


Our wonderful family! We missed you Greg, Kacey, and Brooklyn.
Everyone agreed that this was a beautiful day, not only the funeral services, but the weather too.
Joe, who is in the Coast Guard, presented the flag to Grandma. It was very special.
You got some beautiful pictures. I'm glad you got that last one of Joe giving the flag to Gram. That made me cry! How special!